Classic Album Covers: SCOTT 3 (1969)

Released in March 1969, SCOTT 3 is I think my favourite album by the late great Scott Walker. I have often wondered whose heavily mascaraed eye it is on the front cover, the dilated pupil reflecting a pensive Scott in a clever Photoshop-before-Photoshop effect. I did interview Scott myself once – but the question of whose eye it was staring out at us from the cover of his third solo LP was low down in my list of priorities and of course was never asked. Scott Walker photographed on 21 March 1969, just as Scott 3 was released Scott “more or less” designed the sleeve himself, according to an interview he gave the NME in March 1969, to promote the album. Although the sleeve notes credit it to Linda Glover, Philips’ in-house design director. Either way it is certainly a female eye: presumably the model who allowed the camera to peer at the window to her soul was someone known to Scott? One might conjecture that it was his then girlfriend, Mette Teglbjaerg, whom he later married and li...